
AWS Lambda serverless Framework und serverless-offline
nodejs, npm, serverless und serverless-offline installieren
Installation nodejs
$ sudo apt-get install curl python-software-properties
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ node -v
$ npm -v
Installation serverless
npm install -g serverless
serverless service erstellen
Project erstellen
# Ein neues Serverless Service/Project erstellen
serverless create --template aws-nodejs --path my-service
# In das neue Verzeichnis wechseln
cd my-service
AWS Access-Key und Secret
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-key-here>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-secret-key-here>
serverless deploy
serverless config credentials --provider aws --key AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE --secret wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Deploy Service
serverless deploy -v
Die Logs der Function abrufen:
serverless invoke -f hello -l
Service in AWS entfernen
serverless remove
mysql RSD DB mit NodeJS in Lambda benutzen
Als erstes im Projectverzeichnis (my-project) das mysql plugin installieren
npm install mysql
Im Code mysql hinzufügen und den restlichen mysql java-script Code:
var mysql = require('mysql');
module.exports.view = (event, context, callback) => {
const ip = event.requestContext.identity.sourceIp;
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: 'YourRdsDB.xxxxxxx.eu-central-1.rds.amazonaws.com',
user: 'DBUser',
password: 'DBPass',
database: 'DBname'
// ....
Serverless offline ohne AWS benutzen
Serverless-offline installieren
npm install serverless-offline --save-dev
Hinter einem Cooperate-Proxy ggf. auch noch mit Auth?
Einfach npm mit config set die Parameter für https-proxy und proxy setzen.
npm config set proxy http://"username:gehe\!m"@proxy.example.com:3128
npm config set https-proxy http://"username:gehe\!m"@proxy.example.com:3128
Sonderzeichen wie das ‘!’ hier im Beispiel müssen escaped werden. Und Benutzer und Password müssen komplett in “ gesetzt werden. Das Verzeichnis “node_modules” sollte jetzt ungefähr so aussehen und unter anderem serverless-offline auflisten:
ls node_modules/
accept babel-helpers balanced-match content esutils home-or-tmp json5 mimos os-homedir serverless-offline supports-color
ammo babel-messages boom convert-source-map globals invariant jsonpath-plus minimatch os-tmpdir shot to-fast-properties
ansi-regex babel-register brace-expansion core-js h2o2 iron js-string-escape minimist path-is-absolute slash topo
ansi-styles babel-runtime call cryptiles hapi isemail js-tokens mkdirp peekaboo source-map trim-right
b64 babel-template catbox crypto hapi-cors-headers is-finite kilt moment pez source-map-support velocityjs
babel-code-frame babel-traverse catbox-memory debug has-ansi items lodash ms private statehood vise
babel-core babel-types chalk detect-indent heavy joi loose-envify nigel regenerator-runtime strip-ansi wreck
babel-generator babylon concat-map escape-string-regexp hoek jsesc mime-db number-is-nan repeating subtext
PlugIn in der serverless.yml hinzufügen
- serverless-offline
Überprüfen ob das PlugIn verfügbar ist
Die Ausgabe sollte unter commands jetzt zusätzlich “offline” und “offline-start” auflisten
logs .......................... Output the logs of a deployed function
metrics ....................... Show metrics for a specific function
offline ....................... Simulates API Gateway to call your lambda functions offline.
offline start ................. Simulates API Gateway to call your lambda functions offline using backward compatible initialization.
package ....................... Packages a Serverless service
remove ........................ Remove Serverless service and all resources
In der letzten Zeile werden alle verfügbaren PlugIns aufgelistet und “Offline” sollte dort auch aufgelistet werden.
AwsCommon, AwsCompileAlexaSkillEvents, AwsCompileApigEvents, AwsCompileCloudWatchEventEvents, AwsCompileCloudWatchLogEvents, AwsCompileCognitoUserPoolEvents, AwsCompileFunctions, AwsCompileIoTEvents, AwsCompileS3Events, AwsCompileSNSEvents, AwsCompileScheduledEvents, AwsCompileStreamEvents, AwsConfigCredentials, AwsDeploy, AwsDeployFunction, AwsDeployList, AwsInfo, AwsInvoke, AwsInvokeLocal, AwsLogs, AwsMetrics, AwsPackage, AwsProvider, AwsRemove, AwsRollback, AwsRollbackFunction, Config, Create, Deploy, Emit, Info, Install, Invoke, Login, Logout, Logs, Metrics, Offline, Package, Platform, Remove, Rollback, Run, SlStats
Projekt offline starten
serverless offline start
or sls offline start
serverless offline start
Serverless: Starting Offline: dev/us-east-1.
Serverless: Routes for hello:
Serverless: (none)
Serverless: Offline listening on http://localhost:3000
Service testen
Dabei an den Proxy denken und den Parameter --noproxy
curl --noproxy ", localhost" http://localhost:3000
Parameter von serverless-offline
serverless offline --help
--prefix -p Adds a prefix to every path, to send your requests to http://localhost:3000/[prefix]/[your_path] instead. E.g. -p dev
--location -l The root location of the handlers' files. Defaults to the current directory
--host -o Host name to listen on. Default: localhost
--port -P Port to listen on. Default: 3000
--stage -s The stage used to populate your templates. Default: the first stage found in your project.
--region -r The region used to populate your templates. Default: the first region for the first stage found.
--noTimeout -t Disables the timeout feature.
--noEnvironment Turns off loading of your environment variables from serverless.yml. Allows the usage of tools such as PM2 or docker-compose.
--resourceRoutes Turns on loading of your HTTP proxy settings from serverless.yml.
--dontPrintOutput Turns off logging of your lambda outputs in the terminal.
--httpsProtocol -H To enable HTTPS, specify directory (relative to your cwd, typically your project dir) for both cert.pem and key.pem files.
--skipCacheInvalidation -c Tells the plugin to skip require cache invalidation. A script reloading tool like Nodemon might then be needed.
--corsAllowOrigin Used as default Access-Control-Allow-Origin header value for responses. Delimit multiple values with commas. Default: '*'
--corsAllowHeaders Used as default Access-Control-Allow-Headers header value for responses. Delimit multiple values with commas. Default: 'accept,content-type,x-api-key'
--corsDisallowCredentials When provided, the default Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header value will be passed as 'false'. Default: true
--exec "<script>" When provided, a shell script is executed when the server starts up, and the server will shut domn after handling this command.
Parameter in der serverless.yml setzen
httpsProtocol: "dev-certs"
port: 4000
prefix: "dev"
stage: "dev"